Magstim Rapid2 Magstim Super Rapid2 Super Rapid2 Plus1

Magstim Rapid2

Magstim Super Rapid2

Super Rapid2 Plus1

The Magstim Rapid2 is a single pulse and repetitive stimulator with high frequency capabilities.

The newest addition to the range is the Super Rapid2 Plus1 (triple PSU), which is intended for applications such as theta burst where a higher power/frequency relationship is required.

Magstim BiStim2

The Magstim BiStim2 is an extension of the Magstim 2002. Two of the single pulse systems are combined through a connecting module, so that paired pulses can be delivered through one coil.

It combines the features of 1st generation stimulators: BiStim (independently defined, paired pulses – to evoke an inhibited or facilitated response) and the Magstim 250 (high energy, simultaneous pulses – for patients with a high motor threshold)


  • as Magstim 2002, plus:
  • Inter-cortical inhibition
  • Intra-cortical facilitation
  • Respiratory medicine
  • Brain connectivity

Magstim 2002

This system is highly flexible; it is compatible with the full range of coils and can be interfaced with all types of EMG systems.

The 2002 is a single pulse, monophasic stimulator used for cortical and peripheral stimulation. It is widely used in neurology departments across the world to evoke motor responses from patients undergoing a clinical neurological examination.

The system is highly flexible; it is compatible with our range of coils and can be interfaced with all types of EMG systems.


  • Neurological research
  • Cortical mapping and brain research
  • Functional assessment of central motor pathways
  • Early diagnosis, assessment & monitoring of nervous diseases